Strict OHP
Bar x20
30kg x5
40kg x5
50kg x3
55kg x3
60kg x3
60kg x3
Cleaned these from the floor cause somebody was doing squats, squats, somebody was doing squats in my gym, shocker. They had shitty ass ROM but it's rare to see a squat, deadlift or even a leg press in my gym.
I'm by no means strong, but he quickly left the area when I started strict pressing more than his squat. Maybe he had finished, I don't believe he had, but I gotta admit it felt good having stronger shoulders than the guys legs.
BB Incline
Bar x20
40kg x8
50kg x8
50kg x8
55kg x8
60kg x6 (Meh, thought I could have hit 8)
Facepull +Weird plate PR 2.5kg maybe
33kg + plate x18
33kg + plate x12
Rope pushdowns
20kg x50 or so..
I only do these because it makes my elbows and tris feel awesome afterwards.
I hope Mike doesn't see my blog, he (well, billstarr actually, but he simplified billstarr for me) told me to do a backoff set on my OHP instead of inclines.. But I need dem upper chest fibrez for the summer! I also love Incline pressing. So, it's prob not the best route to take to get my OHP strong fast, but I get dem jacked boobies ur of doing it this way.
I'm really suprised at how easy those OHP felt, it's why I ended up ramping up a couple sets. Few weeks back I was really struggling with 60-62.5kg singles and then I quit OHP for a while.. Blasted these out like nothing. Well, the last rep of the last set was a slight struggle, should have prob hit another set though.