Monday, 30 April 2012

Squats wave #3


60kg x5
70kg x5
82kg x5

105kg x5
117.5kg x3
132.5kg x2 (This was '1+' had another in me but energy levels are weird right now & no spotter)


100kg x10
100kg x10
100kg x8

Ab pulldown

Stack x20
Stack x20
Stack x18

Finished first cycle of 5/3/1 complete - thoughts..

Enjoyed this alot, real simple. Going to add 5kg to my lifts and have at it again. Not doing the prescribed deload.. Not even following the routine properly, just doing 5/3/1 for squat and my own assitance.


Deadlift has been a traincrash lately..

Monday, 23 April 2012

Squats wave #2


Bar x10x2
60kg x5
70kg x5
85kg x3

102.5kg x3
115kg x3
125kg x4

Fucked up the weight numbers and did more than I should have.. Was easy anyway, guess I underestimated my max or something.


100kg x10
100kg x10
100kg x7

Ab pulldown

Stack x 3 sets.. Didn't count

Standing DB calf raise

80kg x14
92kg x8

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Strict OHP bleh

Strict OHP

Bar x10x2
30kg x5
40kg x5
50kg x5

62.5kg x3 (hard as hell)
62.5kg x0 6 second grind fail..

Bleh, I dunno what happened here. Was irritated at somebody infront of me that I asked to move. Cleaned the bar again and he stood onfront of me and pissed me off. I clipped my nose on 50kg aswell so it kinda threw me off doing them aswel, fucking hurt and now I have a dumbass bruise on the bridge of my nose.

So yeh, I'm putting this performance down to annoyance, I was going to try again but words can't explain how annoying/rude/god damn I wanted to wreck him so I left before I got suspended from the gym.

Sorry small people, but this was funny.. He was so small that his friend spotted him on his 30kg OHP :D


Bar x10x2
30kg x5
40kg x5
50kg x5
60kg x5
62.5kg x5 (prolly could have squeezed out another)

40kg x25

I was going so strong on the backoff set and then dzzzzz, my strength just turned off, I literally had no push left in me so it pinned me.

Monday, 16 April 2012



Bar x10x2
60kg x5
70kg x5
82kg x3

90kg x5
105kg x5
117.5kg x5

Well, they suck. After doing singles and doubles for so long reps are.. ugh.


80kg x15
80kg x15
80kg x15

Ab pulldown

48kg x10
48kg x10
48kg x9


9kg x15 each leg


Was gonna do coan, but I'm cutting and I really don't think I can milk it for 100% so I will save it for when I return to bulking and definitely give it a run. I'm just going to do 5/3/1 squat, see how goes it. Adding 5kg every 4weeks seems slow but my squat hasn't moved for months doing what I do so I guess it's better than nothing. It's all nicely laid out for me aswell so fuck it.

I just want this cut to be over with, it blows..

Friday, 13 April 2012

Strict OHP + more bastardizing stuff

Strict OHP +4sets

20kg x10x2
30kg x5
40kg x5
50kg x5

60kg x3
60kg x3
60kg x3
60kg x3
60kg x3
60kg x3

DB hammer press

16kg x8
22kg x8
24kg x8
26kg x8
26kg x7

I wanted to do dips but my shoulders scream when I do them so I thought these would be a 'sort of' alternative..

V pushdowns

23kg x100 over a few sets


I really have to have some variation in my training, I can't just do OHP and go home.. That's part of the reason I'm doing an accessory move and not just a backoff set that's recommended until you stall.

6 sets + warmups were brutal though, never done so much volume for my boulders. Love the change up though!

I got zero pump today which I thought was pretty weird, my tri's and shoulders usually double in size, maybe an indication I need a carb refeed?

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Deadlifting in PR city

Deadlift +5kg

150kg x1
165kg x1
180kg x1

Deadlift for reps +10kg

130kg x10

BB rows +10kg

80kg x7
90kg x5
100kg x4

V-bar pulldowns

82kg x6
82kg x6

Ab pulldown +5kg

48kg x20
53kg x8

Hammer + BB curls

20kg x13
20kg x9
Bar x20 or smth


Fucking awesome session, beasted some big ass PR's out of nowhere.

Fuck it, I'm eating icecream preworkout more often!!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Strict OHP

Strict OHP

Bar x20
30kg x5
40kg x5

50kg x3
55kg x3
60kg x3
60kg x3

Cleaned these from the floor cause somebody was doing squats, squats, somebody was doing squats in my gym, shocker. They had shitty ass ROM but it's rare to see a squat, deadlift or even a leg press in my gym.

I'm by no means strong, but he quickly left the area when I started strict pressing more than his squat. Maybe he had finished, I don't believe he had, but I gotta admit it felt good having stronger shoulders than the guys legs.

BB Incline

Bar x20

40kg x8
50kg x8
50kg x8
55kg x8
60kg x6 (Meh, thought I could have hit 8)

Facepull +Weird plate PR 2.5kg maybe

33kg + plate x18
33kg + plate x12

Rope pushdowns

20kg x50 or so..

I only do these because it makes my elbows and tris feel awesome afterwards.


I hope Mike doesn't see my blog, he (well, billstarr actually, but he simplified billstarr for me) told me to do a backoff set on my OHP instead of inclines.. But I need dem upper chest fibrez for the summer! I also love Incline pressing. So, it's prob not the best route to take to get my OHP strong fast, but I get dem jacked boobies ur of doing it this way.

I'm really suprised at how easy those OHP felt, it's why I ended up ramping up a couple sets. Few weeks back I was really struggling with 60-62.5kg singles and then I quit OHP for a while.. Blasted these out like nothing. Well, the last rep of the last set was a slight struggle, should have prob hit another set though.

Friday, 6 April 2012

The joy of cutting on 3,000 calories

Vanilla French toast with icecream, double cream & chocolate sauce..

5 slices thick wholemeal
4  extra large eggs
4 drops vanilla
100g icecream
60ml double cream
Chocolate sauce

Was pretty darn good!

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Deadlift + Accessory work


145kg x1
160kg x1
175kg x1 +5kg PR
120kg x11

BB Rows

80kg x8
90kg x5
90kg x5

V Bar Pulldown

89kg x5
82kg x5

Ab Pulldown

48kg x20

Hammers + BB curls

20kg x12
20kg x10
BB bar x14
BB bar x10

OH Squats

Bar x many!


Smoked 175kg deadlift, prob should have put the 4 plates on instead and had at it but whatever, 5kg PR! Rest of my session was solid. Hit up some OH squats after my deads, trying to get that form down.. Olympic lifting impresses me even more now, can't even do the damn bar and they're doing what.. 200kg+? God damn I suck!

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Inclines + Assistance

Incline Press

1min rests

70kg x1
70kg x1
70kg x1
75kg x1
75kg x1
75kg x1
80kg x1 +5kg

Incline Press

60kg x8
60kg x8
60kg x7


23kg x15
33kg x12

Side Laterals

10kg x12
8kg x11

DB Squeeze Press

20kg x14
22kg x10


28kg x20x10x5x4


Strength is still good, was expecting my strength to drop while I was cutting to be honest. Happy I'm maintaining/getting a little stronger.. Can't wait to finish though, sucks not hitting PRs as often!

Ed Coan Offseason Squat Routine

There are no percentages to worry about, you pick the weight you think you can hit the EASY SINGLE (not a MAX Single, but too easy as well) with and start backwards going down from Week 10 by 20lbs to get the weight you can use for each week.


WORK SETS(Sets/Reps)
1 2x8
2 2x8
3 2x5
4 2x5
5 2x5
6 2x3
7 2x3
8 2x2
9 1x2
10 1x1, then shoot for a small pr

1.) High Bar Close Stance Pause Squats (2 sets x 5 reps for first 5 weeks, then 2x3 for last 5)
2.) Adductor Hip Work(I prefer doing this on sled or with low pulley cable machine)
3.) Hamstrings (IF NEEDED)
4.) ABS
5.) Calves

Monday, 2 April 2012

Squats + fuckarounditus


125kg x1
132.5kg x1
135kg  x1
140kg x1 pretty easy..

Not sure what the fuck I was planning on doing here... 132.5kg x6-8 singles turned into shit.

4 Sec Paused Squat

100kg x4


100kg x10
100kg x9

1 Hand BB Snatch

40kg x1 super easy
50kg x0
50kg x0
50kg xalmost..

Ab Pulldown +5kg

58kg x10


Squats seem to be real tough atm, guess I'm losing some kinda leverage from losing weight, really no idea. Also no idea what I was doing with my squats today.. Single-fuck-around-itus.