OHP > Incline????
Strict OHP (cleaned)
Bar x10x230kg x5
40kg x5
50kg x3
62.5kg x1
67.5kg x3
67.5kg x2 (gay)
67.5kg x2 (thought maybe I didn't rest long enough and could have got 3)
55kg x8
BB Incline press (2min rest)
40kg x850kg x8
50kg x8
50kg x8
50kg x7+fail
DB Inc flies (1-2min rest)
20kg x1020kg x10
DB flat flies (1-2min rest)
20kg x820kg x7
9-20kg x60-70
OHP is hard.. I knew I was gonna have a tough time after my first workset, arms got that weird feeling that I like to call 'heavy shake' because they have a weird shakey sensation after a heavy struggle.
Did some bodybuilding sets after that.. Mission grow tits is on.
Lastly, OHP 55kg x8 > Incline 50kg x8 hells dat all bowttttt?